Over the past couple weeks, We’ve noticed something worrisome about Petrune’s customers. They enter as they usually do, beautiful stylish people swaddled in fall hues, but when they leave… some are cowboys! Others become sailors, and We’ve seen a couple leave the store transformed into genuine 1920’s flappers. We’ve had Molly Ringwalds, Michael Jacksons, and Freddie Mercurys parading out the door all week!
But then again, when you have a costume rental policy as nice as Petrune’s, who could resist? If you’ve yet to find that perfect outfit for Halloween, stop on by the store this week to pick out your awesome alter-ego. For only 25% of the retail price, you can rent any piece of clothing here at Petrune for a full week!
So, go a little crazy. Get that leather jacket with 2-foot fringe, or the dress with Cher-style sequins. To show you just a few possibilities, here’s Reece and Eleanor modeling some of our favorites. Photos after the jump!
- Fairy Princess? Woodland Sprite?
- We were going for kind of a “Hall and Oates” thing with this. Nailed it?
- Band Babe!
- Plan world domination as Admiral of the royal navy…
- Or, just grab a drink.
- The perfect accessories to give your costume some flair!

An all-time favorite, "Vacation Dad" is always amazingly out-of style.
Great costume ideas!
ohmyGOODNESS. this is incredible.